
Men's Ministry
Men’s Group is a group of men that meets the first Saturday of every month at 9:00 A.M. to fellowship, discuss “manly” topics, and study the word of God.
We are currently delving deeper into our relationships with God and with one another. If you are looking for a place to hang out with other men and spend time in the Word, and outings such as fishing, gold-panning or even the Grand Canyon please join us!

Women's Ministry
Women’s Group is a group of ladies coming from all walks of life. We meet the second Saturday of every month at 12:00 P.M. to snack, fellowship and study God’s word!
We have friendly discussions while getting to know one another on a more personal level. If you are looking for a place to eat yummy snacks, hang out with other gals, spend time in the Word, and make short trips to interesting places please join us!

Children's Ministry
Why does Children’s Ministry matter?
1. It helps them make sense out of life. Only understanding who made the world, what went wrong and God’s plan to fix it can explain this world we all experience.
2. It’s their best chance to accept Christ. Research has proven that kids tend to be more receptive to the Gospel than any other age group. I want my children to have every opportunity to believe in Jesus.
3. Present the good news in age-appropriate ways all throughout childhood.
4. It helps avoid some negative outcomes of sin. Only God’s grace can change our hearts, but knowing the consequences of disobeying God is often a wake up call. When children understand the great price that Jesus paid for their salvation, they are more likely to stay on the way of the righteous.
5. It can help counter balance worldly influences. Everyone knows the harmful influences present in our society. Kids need positive influences to tip the scale.
6. It gives children special memories. Think back to when you were a child in Sunday school. Can you remember a special teacher or event?
7. It allows them to make friends with adult volunteers in safe context. In our culture child safety is a constant concern, and rightly so. But there is still great value in kids finding adult mentors in the church.

Food Bank
Families who experience hunger can visit our local church for food pantries to get the food they need to feed their household members. The items stocked by every food pantry will vary, depending on the storage spaces of their church. If you would like to volunteer in this area it would be a great help to us.